『 A NEW START 』小巴廊 x 王建揚 合作展
2013.12.07 - 2014.01.12
在睽違一年之後,最新合作展「 A NEW START 」即將於小巴廊舉辦.
1981年次的藝術家 - 王建揚
這次的展覽主要呈現我在去年展覽<宅境漫遊>後,新的嘗試,<2012宅境漫遊>講的是末日的發生代表著新生命的開端,而宅系列的發展從2009年到去年的個展,也已經3年了,這三年的經歷直到去年第一次大型個展,對我來說已經是一個段落,所以我告訴自己新的一年我想要嘗試新的合作,想要重新尋求新的可能性,在罐子茶書館展覽時,第一次把展覽空間與玩具裝置做結合,第一次與現代舞團合作,幫他們做舞台裝置,透過他們的舞台經驗和生活體驗來構思出記憶迷陣的裝置,第一次到三義嘗試做木雕,並雕了代表我的自畫像<小黑羊騎士>,還有與台北玩具創作展合作,透過展覽主題<愛麗絲夢遊宅境>來拍攝屬於我的愛麗絲,並且以現成玩具的改換角色來做作品,讓作品和展覽之間有更多新的連結,與小巴廊合作,同時與部落藝術一起展出也是前所未有的經驗,也因為與部落藝術一起展出,所以也拍攝了<國王的新衣>系列與<愛讓我們聚一起>系列的作品,這一年來新的嘗試,對我來說就是新的開始,新的體驗..就如同 A NEW START 。
部落藝術( Tribal Art) 在亞洲是非常少見的領域,但在歐美國家卻已經成形有百年以上的歷史。
受到先前於北美館展出的《帕克特 x 藝術家─220件合作計畫》所啟發,小巴廊開始思考與藝術家合作的可能性,首展與當代藝術家王建揚的合作就是希望藉由作品中當代歡樂的語彙與古老原始的部落藝術對話,產生極對比性的火花。合作展強調對等,希望互相挖掘對方的極大可能:「歡樂╱崇高、當代╱原始、卡通╱傳統形式,彩色╱單色,希望能在兩個不同的藝術領域—當代藝術與部落藝術之交集中,找到A NEW START 。」
The first collaboration between 44 Gallery and contemporary artist / When Tribal art meets Contemporary art
44 Gallery X Wang Chien - Yang
In 20 century, the great masters like Picasso, Brancusi, Matisse... They had a different kind of characteristic in their creations due to the inspiration of tribal art.
In 2013, the contemporary artist Wang Chien - Yang , who is good at building the imaginary world into reality. What kind of inspiration will he find from the
tribal art to establish his joyful kingdom?
One year after, his latest collaboration 「A NEW START」 is upcoming in 44 Gallery.
To consist a fantasy-like world by various creation elements and showing the distinct visual possibility of primitive and contemporary art to open your vision
curiosity once again.
Duration 2013/12/7 - 2014/1/12
Opening 2013/12/7 Sat. 3pm (Opening Reception)
Wang Chien - Yang
Wang Chien - Yang, who was born in 1981 has multiple forms of creation, including photography, painting, installation art and sculpture.《44 Gallery X
Wang Chien - Yang 》is not only the continuation of the concept of 《 the House》 but also his new mode of creation with the primitive tribal artworks
He keeps challenging more creational potentialities with his individual optimistic nature and perspective.
The vivid and brilliant color, the childlike toy objects and the mixed scenes and spaces, Wang Chien - Yang's work has a strong feeling of times.
"Toy" is his main creation component which appears over and over again in his productions due to his fancy to it. In addition to deepen the joyful atmosphere,
"Toy" extends the limitless possibilities of 《 the House 》. To use the elements of tribal art is a very first and important cross-cultural attempt.
This exhibition is a new attempt after 《A House Odyssey 》last year. 《 A House Odyssey》 is about the end of the world is a beginning of new life.
From 2009 to the solo exhibition last year, the development of 《 the House 》 has been 3 years. These three years are a complete stage for me, therefore
I told myself I want to have a new collaboration and find out a new possibility in this brand-new year. It is the first time I combined a display space with the
toy installations when I organized an exhibition in Cans Teahouse ; it is the first time I cooperated with a modern dance group, conceiving the decor of memory
maze through the dancers' stage and life experiences ; it is the first time I carved a wooden sculpture called "The Black Lamb Knight" that represents myself. And
during the collaboration with Taipei Toy Festival, I created my own Alice through the topic 《 Alice Returns To Toyland》. I used the ready-made toys and changed
their roles to make more connections between the exhibition and my productions. The collaboration with 44 Gallery and the tribal art is unprecedented. Because of
the cooperation with tribal art, I created a series of 《 The Emperor's new clothes 》 and 《 Love brings us together》. Things I have done this year are my new
beginning and important experiences... Just like A NEW START.
44 Gallery
Established in 2007, 44 Gallery dedicates to popularize the tribal art and tries to find the connections with the contemporary art by different kinds of topics.
Tribal Art is not common in Asia, but it has developed over hundred years in Europe and America.
Inspired by the exhibition《PARKETT–220 ARTISTS EDITIONS & COLLABORATIONS SINCE1984 》which is organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 44 Gallery
starts to think over the chance of cooperating with artists. The first exhibition with contemporary artist Wang Chien-Yang is an expectation of having a
contrasting spark between contemporary joyful creation form and ancient primitive tribal art. This collaboration emphasizes equality and hopes to find out
the potentiality of each other: " sublime / joyful, primitive / modern, traditional / cartoon and colorful / monochromatic." With two different art area—
contemporary art and tribal art to find A NEW START.
在睽違一年之後,最新合作展「 A NEW START 」即將於小巴廊舉辦.
1981年次的藝術家 - 王建揚
這次的展覽主要呈現我在去年展覽<宅境漫遊>後,新的嘗試,<2012宅境漫遊>講的是末日的發生代表著新生命的開端,而宅系列的發展從2009年到去年的個展,也已經3年了,這三年的經歷直到去年第一次大型個展,對我來說已經是一個段落,所以我告訴自己新的一年我想要嘗試新的合作,想要重新尋求新的可能性,在罐子茶書館展覽時,第一次把展覽空間與玩具裝置做結合,第一次與現代舞團合作,幫他們做舞台裝置,透過他們的舞台經驗和生活體驗來構思出記憶迷陣的裝置,第一次到三義嘗試做木雕,並雕了代表我的自畫像<小黑羊騎士>,還有與台北玩具創作展合作,透過展覽主題<愛麗絲夢遊宅境>來拍攝屬於我的愛麗絲,並且以現成玩具的改換角色來做作品,讓作品和展覽之間有更多新的連結,與小巴廊合作,同時與部落藝術一起展出也是前所未有的經驗,也因為與部落藝術一起展出,所以也拍攝了<國王的新衣>系列與<愛讓我們聚一起>系列的作品,這一年來新的嘗試,對我來說就是新的開始,新的體驗..就如同 A NEW START 。
部落藝術( Tribal Art) 在亞洲是非常少見的領域,但在歐美國家卻已經成形有百年以上的歷史。
受到先前於北美館展出的《帕克特 x 藝術家─220件合作計畫》所啟發,小巴廊開始思考與藝術家合作的可能性,首展與當代藝術家王建揚的合作就是希望藉由作品中當代歡樂的語彙與古老原始的部落藝術對話,產生極對比性的火花。合作展強調對等,希望互相挖掘對方的極大可能:「歡樂╱崇高、當代╱原始、卡通╱傳統形式,彩色╱單色,希望能在兩個不同的藝術領域—當代藝術與部落藝術之交集中,找到A NEW START 。」
The first collaboration between 44 Gallery and contemporary artist / When Tribal art meets Contemporary art
44 Gallery X Wang Chien - Yang
In 20 century, the great masters like Picasso, Brancusi, Matisse... They had a different kind of characteristic in their creations due to the inspiration of tribal art.
In 2013, the contemporary artist Wang Chien - Yang , who is good at building the imaginary world into reality. What kind of inspiration will he find from the
tribal art to establish his joyful kingdom?
One year after, his latest collaboration 「A NEW START」 is upcoming in 44 Gallery.
To consist a fantasy-like world by various creation elements and showing the distinct visual possibility of primitive and contemporary art to open your vision
curiosity once again.
Duration 2013/12/7 - 2014/1/12
Opening 2013/12/7 Sat. 3pm (Opening Reception)
Wang Chien - Yang
Wang Chien - Yang, who was born in 1981 has multiple forms of creation, including photography, painting, installation art and sculpture.《44 Gallery X
Wang Chien - Yang 》is not only the continuation of the concept of 《 the House》 but also his new mode of creation with the primitive tribal artworks
He keeps challenging more creational potentialities with his individual optimistic nature and perspective.
The vivid and brilliant color, the childlike toy objects and the mixed scenes and spaces, Wang Chien - Yang's work has a strong feeling of times.
"Toy" is his main creation component which appears over and over again in his productions due to his fancy to it. In addition to deepen the joyful atmosphere,
"Toy" extends the limitless possibilities of 《 the House 》. To use the elements of tribal art is a very first and important cross-cultural attempt.
This exhibition is a new attempt after 《A House Odyssey 》last year. 《 A House Odyssey》 is about the end of the world is a beginning of new life.
From 2009 to the solo exhibition last year, the development of 《 the House 》 has been 3 years. These three years are a complete stage for me, therefore
I told myself I want to have a new collaboration and find out a new possibility in this brand-new year. It is the first time I combined a display space with the
toy installations when I organized an exhibition in Cans Teahouse ; it is the first time I cooperated with a modern dance group, conceiving the decor of memory
maze through the dancers' stage and life experiences ; it is the first time I carved a wooden sculpture called "The Black Lamb Knight" that represents myself. And
during the collaboration with Taipei Toy Festival, I created my own Alice through the topic 《 Alice Returns To Toyland》. I used the ready-made toys and changed
their roles to make more connections between the exhibition and my productions. The collaboration with 44 Gallery and the tribal art is unprecedented. Because of
the cooperation with tribal art, I created a series of 《 The Emperor's new clothes 》 and 《 Love brings us together》. Things I have done this year are my new
beginning and important experiences... Just like A NEW START.
44 Gallery
Established in 2007, 44 Gallery dedicates to popularize the tribal art and tries to find the connections with the contemporary art by different kinds of topics.
Tribal Art is not common in Asia, but it has developed over hundred years in Europe and America.
Inspired by the exhibition《PARKETT–220 ARTISTS EDITIONS & COLLABORATIONS SINCE1984 》which is organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 44 Gallery
starts to think over the chance of cooperating with artists. The first exhibition with contemporary artist Wang Chien-Yang is an expectation of having a
contrasting spark between contemporary joyful creation form and ancient primitive tribal art. This collaboration emphasizes equality and hopes to find out
the potentiality of each other: " sublime / joyful, primitive / modern, traditional / cartoon and colorful / monochromatic." With two different art area—
contemporary art and tribal art to find A NEW START.