非洲部落藝術 &  當代藝術 的交會點
African Tribal Art & Contemporary Art

小巴廊 . 44 GALLERY 成立於2008 。
2013年起小巴廊藉由舉辦各種主題的非洲部落藝術展, 嘗試以多面向

非洲部落藝術(African Tribal Art)在亞洲是少見的領域,歐美國家從20
世紀後期開始許多藝術大師如,畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)、布朗庫西
(Constantin Brancusi)馬諦斯(Henri Matisse)都曾受到非洲藝術的啟發,

看著書桌牆上掛的Fang族白色面具,彷彿時間把我拉回22年前 的偶遇,

我人生第一件部落收藏品,是1994年花了5/2的薪水所收藏的加彭 Fang 族面具。 第一次接觸到非洲部落藝術,連它的地理位置都沒任何 概念,直覺吸引我的是純真與趣味性,就從這一件Fang 族面 具開啟我的部落藝術收藏人生。


因為地理位置的關係,生活在亞洲的我們,對於非洲部落藝術的認知 可能是陌生的。但在歐美難以計數的部落藝術研究與主題書籍,巴黎、倫敦、布魯塞爾、紐約等舉行定期的沙龍展,以及部落藝術藝廊的普及...,他們對於部落藝術的著迷與投 入是令人難以想像的。 在西方的世界裡" 非洲部落藝術的造型,被認為是一個天真風格並具 有強烈的視覺衝擊渲染力的代表。

" 希望能分享給更多人去認識與了解這迷人的領域。 "

Artist & 44 Gallery founder, Ying-chang Lu. 藝術家 & 小巴廊 創辦人

台 北 市 大 安 區 建 國 南 路 一 段 2 0 2 號              ︎Map
No.202, Sec. 1  Jianguo S. Rd. Da’an Dist. 106   Taipei, Taiwan

Opening Hours

週一至週五(MON-FRI)  11:00  - 19:00 

週六(SAT)  13:00 - 18:30


Tel :+886 2 2752 6373 . Fax : +886 2 2721 9035
E-Mail: 44artgallery@gmail.com


African Tribal Art & Contemporary Art: Intersection

44 GALLERY, established in 2008, is dedicated to exploring the unique beauty of African Tribal Art, whether in modern or ancient forms, from various perspectives. Since 2013, the gallery has organized themed exhibitions focused on African Tribal Art, aiming to present it in a multifaceted way that promotes the genre and seeks to create a dialogue with contemporary art.

African Tribal Art is a rare field in Asia, but since the late 20th century, many Western art masters such as Pablo Picasso, Constantin Brancusi, and Henri Matisse have been inspired by African art. They transformed this inspiration into timeless classics, laying the foundation for the development of various forms of modern art.

As I gaze at the white Fang mask from Gabon hanging on my desk wall, it's as if time pulls me back 22 years to the moment of encounter, marking the beginning of my magical journey up to this day.

My first piece of tribal art collection was the Fang mask from Gabon, which I purchased in 1994, spending two and a half months of my salary. At that time, I had no concept of its geographical origin. What attracted me instinctively was its innocence and playfulness, and this Fang mask became the starting point of my lifelong passion for collecting tribal art.

Tribal art has become an integral part of my life, accompanying me like family. My relationship with these pieces goes beyond that of a collector and object; they have become my mentors, inspiring my own artistic creations.

Due to our geographical location in Asia, our understanding of African Tribal Art may be unfamiliar. However, in Europe and America, the fascination and dedication to this field are immense, with countless studies, themed books, and regular salon exhibitions held in cities like Paris, London, Brussels, and New York, not to mention the prevalence of galleries specializing in tribal art. In the Western world, the forms of African Tribal Art are seen as representing a naïve style with a powerful visual impact.

I hope to share this captivating field with more people, so they too can come to know and appreciate its charm.

Artist & 44 Gallery founder, Ying-chang Lu

106 台 北 市 大 安 區 建 國 南 路 一 段 2 0 2 號     +886 2 2752 6373      44artgallery@gmail.com   
No.202, Sec. 1  Jianguo S. Rd. Da’an Dist. 106   Taipei, Taiwan          
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