『 曠 野 - Wilderness 』 蘇修賢個展
2017.3.4 - 4.1
2014年 小巴廊.44Gallery 與 藝術家蘇修賢 第一次合作展『 當我們前進之時 , 盛裝煥發 MAKE IT UP AS WE GO ALONG 』 ,使用“動物精神”為創作一脈絡,創造了各種代表不同生命質量與狀態的動物角色。近兩年藝術家蘇修賢也多次於日本東京舉辦個展,並穫得相當的回響與肯定。在蘇修賢作品中所散發出特有的寧靜與溫暖,也帶給觀者一股希望與力量。
2017年,這次 「 曠野 WILDERNESS 」個展中,新的創作視野:從單純的動物圖騰象徵,更演化為融入曠野景色間的自然景緻,更以不同色感與層次的黑與白,表達心中希望與美好的想像和現實間的關係。
創作自述 - 蘇修賢
我的繪畫中色彩是不同色感與層次的黑與白,透過光的折色而產生的微弱他色變化。黑灰白等所謂無彩色(achromatic color)讓人直覺的想到以墨色為代表的東方繪畫,以及強調明暗和質感的西方素描體系。我的作品除了探究了黑白背後橫跨東西方的觀念,更進一步地我也將黑白所擁有光與黯兩極之間,所存在之光影虛實的哲學,透過不同的主題,成為我對人類想像力與意識起源的追溯。
在我作品中出現的動物,像是星空夜裡的同伴,也代表觀眾所認知的自己, 同時也可能是我們期待的力量與象徵。這其實與各文化所發展出的文樣或圖騰起源相似。文樣與圖騰的集成,構築了人類對生活的祈願,探索了我們對自我的投射,也是人與自然、時間與生命的關聯。對生命延續的追求、意義與價值的渴望,是人類本能的特徵,文明的產生與文化幾乎都是環繞著這些核心議題而展開。在我作品中所出現的動植物圖騰或自然景緻,表達的是人們求生存的自我,與我們所希望與祈求力量之超自然之間的關係。我感受人類歷史在漫長而孤獨艱難的生活裡,如何看待自己的可能性力量和極限、渺小、軟弱。
在我近期的作品出現了曠野的景色。曠野的概念在心理學上、文學與藝術上連結:代表著心靈的、幻覺的、也代表磨難與自我完成。我透過曠野這一個象徵 探索家的定義、美好之地的想像,也包含著我對神話與夢境的理解,對人類心靈和命運的感觸。
我的創作在意欲探索光與希望的路上,反倒進到了黑夜之中,走到了黑暗裡 挖掘人性精神的光。如同走在曠野的路,荒蕪與漂流也許使人帶著恐懼,然而最深的黑夜裡星光卻總是特別明晰。
In 2014, Xiao Bar Lang 44Gallery collaborated with artist Su Hsiu-Hsien for the first time in the exhibition "Make It Up as We Go Along." This show explored the concept of “animal spirit” as a creative theme, with Su crafting a diverse range of animal figures that symbolized different life forces and emotional states. Over the past two years, Su has held several solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Japan, receiving widespread recognition and acclaim. His works, characterized by a unique sense of serenity and warmth, provide viewers with a sense of hope and strength.
Now, in 2017, Su presents a new body of work in his solo exhibition "WILDERNESS." This exhibition marks a shift in his creative vision—moving beyond pure animal totems to a more integrated portrayal of natural landscapes within vast wildernesses. Using varied tonalities of black and white, he explores the relationship between hope, beauty, and reality.
The animals in my paintings are like companions under the starry night, embodying both the viewer’s own reflection and a symbol of strength and aspiration. This concept is deeply connected to the origins of patterns and totems across cultures—where totems serve as humanity’s prayers for life, self-projection, and a bridge between nature, time, and existence.
The pursuit of life’s continuation, meaning, and value is an inherent human instinct. Civilization and culture have always revolved around these core questions. In my work, the animal totems and landscapes represent this tension between the struggle for survival and the search for supernatural strength and guidance.
Throughout human history, we have faced long and solitary hardships, constantly questioning our own potential, limitations, fragility, and resilience. In my recent works, the theme of the wilderness has emerged. The wilderness—whether in psychology, literature, or art—is often linked to the spiritual, the hallucinatory, the realm of trials, and the pursuit of self-realization.
Through this symbol of the wilderness, I explore the concept of home, the ideal landscape of beauty, as well as my understanding of myths and dreams, human consciousness, and fate. Ironically, while my artistic journey has been a quest to find light and hope, I have ventured deep into the darkness—excavating the hidden luminosity within the human spirit.
Walking through the wilderness, one may feel lost, barren, and fearful. Yet, in the deepest darkness, the stars shine the brightest.
2017年,這次 「 曠野 WILDERNESS 」個展中,新的創作視野:從單純的動物圖騰象徵,更演化為融入曠野景色間的自然景緻,更以不同色感與層次的黑與白,表達心中希望與美好的想像和現實間的關係。
創作自述 - 蘇修賢
我的繪畫中色彩是不同色感與層次的黑與白,透過光的折色而產生的微弱他色變化。黑灰白等所謂無彩色(achromatic color)讓人直覺的想到以墨色為代表的東方繪畫,以及強調明暗和質感的西方素描體系。我的作品除了探究了黑白背後橫跨東西方的觀念,更進一步地我也將黑白所擁有光與黯兩極之間,所存在之光影虛實的哲學,透過不同的主題,成為我對人類想像力與意識起源的追溯。
在我作品中出現的動物,像是星空夜裡的同伴,也代表觀眾所認知的自己, 同時也可能是我們期待的力量與象徵。這其實與各文化所發展出的文樣或圖騰起源相似。文樣與圖騰的集成,構築了人類對生活的祈願,探索了我們對自我的投射,也是人與自然、時間與生命的關聯。對生命延續的追求、意義與價值的渴望,是人類本能的特徵,文明的產生與文化幾乎都是環繞著這些核心議題而展開。在我作品中所出現的動植物圖騰或自然景緻,表達的是人們求生存的自我,與我們所希望與祈求力量之超自然之間的關係。我感受人類歷史在漫長而孤獨艱難的生活裡,如何看待自己的可能性力量和極限、渺小、軟弱。
在我近期的作品出現了曠野的景色。曠野的概念在心理學上、文學與藝術上連結:代表著心靈的、幻覺的、也代表磨難與自我完成。我透過曠野這一個象徵 探索家的定義、美好之地的想像,也包含著我對神話與夢境的理解,對人類心靈和命運的感觸。
我的創作在意欲探索光與希望的路上,反倒進到了黑夜之中,走到了黑暗裡 挖掘人性精神的光。如同走在曠野的路,荒蕪與漂流也許使人帶著恐懼,然而最深的黑夜裡星光卻總是特別明晰。
In 2014, Xiao Bar Lang 44Gallery collaborated with artist Su Hsiu-Hsien for the first time in the exhibition "Make It Up as We Go Along." This show explored the concept of “animal spirit” as a creative theme, with Su crafting a diverse range of animal figures that symbolized different life forces and emotional states. Over the past two years, Su has held several solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Japan, receiving widespread recognition and acclaim. His works, characterized by a unique sense of serenity and warmth, provide viewers with a sense of hope and strength.
Now, in 2017, Su presents a new body of work in his solo exhibition "WILDERNESS." This exhibition marks a shift in his creative vision—moving beyond pure animal totems to a more integrated portrayal of natural landscapes within vast wildernesses. Using varied tonalities of black and white, he explores the relationship between hope, beauty, and reality.
Artist’s Statement – Su Hsiu-Hsien
In my paintings, I work with different layers and sensations of black and white, with subtle variations emerging through light refraction. These achromatic colors—black, gray, and white—instinctively evoke the ink traditions of Eastern painting while also resonating with the Western tradition of chiaroscuro and drawing. My work not only examines these cross-cultural artistic concepts but also delves deeper into the philosophical interplay between light and darkness, presence and absence.The animals in my paintings are like companions under the starry night, embodying both the viewer’s own reflection and a symbol of strength and aspiration. This concept is deeply connected to the origins of patterns and totems across cultures—where totems serve as humanity’s prayers for life, self-projection, and a bridge between nature, time, and existence.
The pursuit of life’s continuation, meaning, and value is an inherent human instinct. Civilization and culture have always revolved around these core questions. In my work, the animal totems and landscapes represent this tension between the struggle for survival and the search for supernatural strength and guidance.
Throughout human history, we have faced long and solitary hardships, constantly questioning our own potential, limitations, fragility, and resilience. In my recent works, the theme of the wilderness has emerged. The wilderness—whether in psychology, literature, or art—is often linked to the spiritual, the hallucinatory, the realm of trials, and the pursuit of self-realization.
Through this symbol of the wilderness, I explore the concept of home, the ideal landscape of beauty, as well as my understanding of myths and dreams, human consciousness, and fate. Ironically, while my artistic journey has been a quest to find light and hope, I have ventured deep into the darkness—excavating the hidden luminosity within the human spirit.
Walking through the wilderness, one may feel lost, barren, and fearful. Yet, in the deepest darkness, the stars shine the brightest.
藝術家 蘇修賢