『 M A G I C - E Y E S 魔法的眼睛 』 剛果個展
2014.4.10 - 5.4
剛果人所做的雕像,最令人驚訝且形體強而有力的,無疑是NIKISI 形象。人們把鐵釘或其它鐵器敲打入雕像身上,使之帶有力量,並對它的超自然力量表示尊崇。鐵器在剛果為極為珍貴的物品,剛果人認為鐵器具有特別的意涵,因此剛果人在祈福、訂立契約、宣誓、許願往往使用鐵器來增加其力量。此外,鏡子在剛果雕像中亦佔有重要地位,剛果人認為它可以將自然的能量置於雕像中。
Modern people tend to use Tarot to predict the future and our ancestors divined the future by the vein on turtleback while the NIKISI from African tribe is regarded as the power of authority and mystery. The Congo people consider the ritualists must possess expertise and supernatural abilities.
The ritualists possess expertise and supernatural abilities to resolve the difficulties through diverse rituals and bring luckiness. They could be diviner or curer. They are a part of African tribal culture which is meaningful to the daily life of African people.
Basically, the male figures are more common than female figures, the latter is very rare. The male figures are typically carved with hands on waist and powerful features. The female figures are generally depicted with hands on belly and colored red which represents the fountain of fertility. There are some statues carved as the mythical ancestors or animals. The most common animal statue is two-headed dog. These statues are adorned with plants or mineral from Mother Nature which are considered to turn them into powerful statues. People believed that this kind of statue can protect tribes and bring luck.
The medical therapy in Congo is related to the chief’s rulership. During the authorization ceremony , the chief need to be applied several ointment which is bound up with the medical cure and use their medical skill to fight with the evil spirit and protect their people.
The most astonishing and powerful figures made by Congo people called “NIKISI NKONDE”. People hammered nails or other ironware into the statues in this way they become powerful and be worshipped by tribespeople. The ironware is scarce in Congo therefore they are believed to have supernatural power, as a result of it, the Congolese usually use it during blessing, vowing and concluding a treaty. Another important stuff among Congo culture is mirror, they think mirrors could lock supernatural power in the statues.
NIKISI is a typical statue as it is used by diviners. They are characterized by varied adornment stuff, for instance, their belly are made by glass which symbolizes the future is visible to the glass and moreover, the additional ornamentations are believed to enhance the power of the statues. They could be a pouch with magical stuff, some reeds or some particular shape of woods or animal’s horns, teeth, claws and feathers or anything like this.
The dog figures are as magical as human figures because of their keen sense, therefore the ritualists use dog figures to protect tribes from evil power. In any case, even the tiny part of Congo sculpture is meaningful. What we guess about these statues is due to the fact that we cannot completely comprehend their ancient culture. For instance, statues with metal decorations belong to the whole society which are only used by ritualists.
From the perspective of anthropology, NIKISI represents not only the judge of tribe but also the symbolization of justice.
剛果人所做的雕像,最令人驚訝且形體強而有力的,無疑是NIKISI 形象。人們把鐵釘或其它鐵器敲打入雕像身上,使之帶有力量,並對它的超自然力量表示尊崇。鐵器在剛果為極為珍貴的物品,剛果人認為鐵器具有特別的意涵,因此剛果人在祈福、訂立契約、宣誓、許願往往使用鐵器來增加其力量。此外,鏡子在剛果雕像中亦佔有重要地位,剛果人認為它可以將自然的能量置於雕像中。
Modern people tend to use Tarot to predict the future and our ancestors divined the future by the vein on turtleback while the NIKISI from African tribe is regarded as the power of authority and mystery. The Congo people consider the ritualists must possess expertise and supernatural abilities.
The ritualists possess expertise and supernatural abilities to resolve the difficulties through diverse rituals and bring luckiness. They could be diviner or curer. They are a part of African tribal culture which is meaningful to the daily life of African people.
Basically, the male figures are more common than female figures, the latter is very rare. The male figures are typically carved with hands on waist and powerful features. The female figures are generally depicted with hands on belly and colored red which represents the fountain of fertility. There are some statues carved as the mythical ancestors or animals. The most common animal statue is two-headed dog. These statues are adorned with plants or mineral from Mother Nature which are considered to turn them into powerful statues. People believed that this kind of statue can protect tribes and bring luck.
The medical therapy in Congo is related to the chief’s rulership. During the authorization ceremony , the chief need to be applied several ointment which is bound up with the medical cure and use their medical skill to fight with the evil spirit and protect their people.
The most astonishing and powerful figures made by Congo people called “NIKISI NKONDE”. People hammered nails or other ironware into the statues in this way they become powerful and be worshipped by tribespeople. The ironware is scarce in Congo therefore they are believed to have supernatural power, as a result of it, the Congolese usually use it during blessing, vowing and concluding a treaty. Another important stuff among Congo culture is mirror, they think mirrors could lock supernatural power in the statues.
NIKISI is a typical statue as it is used by diviners. They are characterized by varied adornment stuff, for instance, their belly are made by glass which symbolizes the future is visible to the glass and moreover, the additional ornamentations are believed to enhance the power of the statues. They could be a pouch with magical stuff, some reeds or some particular shape of woods or animal’s horns, teeth, claws and feathers or anything like this.
The dog figures are as magical as human figures because of their keen sense, therefore the ritualists use dog figures to protect tribes from evil power. In any case, even the tiny part of Congo sculpture is meaningful. What we guess about these statues is due to the fact that we cannot completely comprehend their ancient culture. For instance, statues with metal decorations belong to the whole society which are only used by ritualists.
From the perspective of anthropology, NIKISI represents not only the judge of tribe but also the symbolization of justice.