『 B I A N C O – 白 』 白色系列作品展

2013.11.08 - 2013.12.01


無印良品的藝術總監—原研哉的著作中有一本名為《白》 ,他認為,白並非指一種顏色,而是可以感覺到白色的「感受性」。「所以我們不需要尋找白,而是要尋找能夠感覺白的感受方式。」
另外《白》裡的文章中提到「多數的卵是白的,不僅白鳥的卵是白的,青鳥、黑鳥甚至鱷魚和蛇的卵都是微白的,現實的生命寄宿在白之中 …」如此敘述著…


『 B I A N C O –WHITE 』 The White Series Exhibition
11/08(Fri) - 12/01(Sun)

As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. In western culture, white is the color most often associated with innocence, loyalty and birth. With its perfect balance and harmony, white goes well with almost any color to make them more arresting.
In ancient world, white was one of the first colors used in the Paleolithic Era; sometimes as a background, sometimes as a highlight, along with black and red and yellow ocher in their vivid cave paintings.
In 18th and 19th century, white was the dominant color of architectural interiors in the Baroque period and especially the Rococo style that followed it in the 18th century. Church's interior decorations were unified by white as well.

The Muji Art Director— Kenya Hara has written a book called "White". In his opinion, white does not refer to a color, but a kind of sensitivity. " Therefore, instead of looking for it, all we have to do is to find a way to feel the white around us." Besides, one of the article in the book mentioned " Most of the eggs are white, like the white birds' and the black birds' even the eggs of crocodiles and snakes are white too. The real life lives in white... "
This description is similar to the significance of white in tribal art which represents the purity of life and the power of supernatural...

The white color is not only meaningful in ancient times and modern times but also in African tribal art. Many African cultures see white as the color that links them to the supernatural, this kind of idea reflects that white is not only a color, we could truly feel it by other material and immaterial things. The white color of the mask is genderless; white is a symbol for peace and supernatural. It is thus the predominating color in celebrations and memorials. In producing a mask, a sculptor's aim is to depict a person's psychological and moral characteristics, rather than provide a portrait, therefore the mask is considered that it contains the protective capability and the social function.

The most fascinating thing of white is its sense of tranquility and it gives us a space to use our imagination.

106 台 北 市 大 安 區 建 國 南 路 一 段 2 0 2 號     +886 2 2752 6373      44artgallery@gmail.com   
No.202, Sec. 1  Jianguo S. Rd. Da’an Dist. 106   Taipei, Taiwan          
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