A PUZZLE - 我的第一件收藏品
2013.6.22 - 2013.7.21
還記得當初所擁有的第一次收藏嗎? 著名收藏家—宮津大輔 早在大學時期就對草間彌生的作品有股莫名的喜愛,就將這股感動化為收藏的行動,於是在他30歲時,購買了生平第 一件藝術收藏品,草間彌生『無限之點』﹔1996年買了他目前購買最高價的另一畫作『無限的網』,買價比他當時的年收入還高。 ⋯⋯ 宮津大輔曾說過﹕「藝術收藏並非是富有階層專屬的享受,想要擁有一定規模的收藏品確實需要用金錢去換取,但是並 不是有了錢就一定能夠擁有高質量的收藏品。最關鍵的還是必須靠我們去用心去了解和感受藝術,用心來愛藝術。」
我的人生第一件部落收藏品,是1996年花了5/2的薪水所收藏的 加彭/Fang 族面具。 第一次接觸到非洲部落藝術,連它的地理位置都沒概念,直覺吸引我的是純真造型下的趣味性。 這一件Fang 族面具也開啟我的部落藝術收藏旅程。 我認為﹕「 這些作品在當下是一個趣味的物件,但隨著時間,它成為了一個美好時光的記錄,也成為生命歷程中的一片拼圖。 」 更多時候,收藏具有紀念性的意義,會讓人想起某件事或某個人。 17年過去了,這件加彭/Fang族面具依然在這裡。 這次的展出,希望能為您找到第一件的部落藝術收藏品。 另外分享其他收藏家的故事: 甘茲夫婦是美國20世紀偉大的藝術品收藏家,他們的私人珍藏是20世紀最為出色的私人珍藏系列之一。 在甘茲夫婦的收藏歷史中,他們一直鍾情於畢加索的作品,差不多擁有畢加索不同時代的作品,他們形容自己的收藏過程是與畢加索的戀愛。 甘茲夫婦收藏的成功,首先源自於他們發自內心對藝術的熱愛,其次是自信而獨到的收藏眼光。 他們憑自己的眼光,選擇收藏他們認為是當代最傑出的畫家作品,而且一旦遇到喜歡的作品,他們就會不懈努力地爭取到手。 這種優秀的收藏家,品質是使他們不斷走向成功的根本原因。 路德維希夫婦早在大學時期就開始收集藝術品,從古希臘、古羅馬的雕塑、中國古代的陶瓷、哥倫布之前的美洲藝術、巴洛克藝術、古典現代派藝術到先鋒派藝術和德國當代藝術,美國波普藝術、廢金屬雕塑,直到前蘇聯、東歐社會主義藝術,都在其收藏範圍之內,可見其收藏之廣。 可貴的是他們把自己的收藏視為人類共同的精神財富。 自1957年與科隆和亞琛的博物館合作開始,路德維希教授夫婦就不斷地向世界各地的幾十家博物館捐贈或外借他們所收藏的藝術品,並創建了二十多個以路德維希命名的博物館和機構。路德維希夫婦收藏和捐贈的事件展示了他們作為收藏家的一種宏大文化視野與高尚的道德情操
『 A puzzle - My first collection 』 Do you still remember the first time to have collectibles? Famous collectors Miyatsu Daisuke Back in his college, he had prefer to like Yayoi Kusama’s works, with this move into action. When he was 30, he bought his first piece of art collection, Yayoi Kusama of "infinite point". In 1996, he bought the highest price currently invested another painting "infinite network", the purchase price at the time was higher than his annual income. Miyatsu Daisuke ever said: Art Collection is not the exclusive enjoyment of the wealthy class, if you want to have a certain amount of collectibles, that would really need to exchange the money, but money not will be able to have high-quality collections.
The most important thing is need us to understand and feel the art, with the beloved arts. In 1996 my first collection it took me 5/2 salary of Gabon's / Fang tribe mask. First time to touched the tribal art, the concept did not even its location, Its attracts me of pure Interesting shape. This African tribe mask it open my first time to collect itinerary. I think: These works at the moment are several article, with the time, it became a wonderful record, and also to be the life course of puzzle. 17 years later, this Gabon / Fang tribe mask still here. This exhibition, I hope you can find the first piece of tribal art collection. In addition, to share the other collectors story. Gan Zeev couple is the great 20th century American art collector, their private collect is the one of most private outstanding in 20th centur .In Gan Zeev couple collection history, they have been in love with the Picasso works, and almost have Picasso's works in different time, they describe their collection process just like fall in love with Picasso. Gan Zeev couple collection's success, the first of all due to their heartfelt love of art, the next is confident and unique collection vision They choose to collect they think is the most outstanding painter's work in contemporary, and once meeting a favorite work, they will be strive for unremittingly and diligently. This excellent collector quality is make them continued success of the root causes. Ludwig couple back in college began collecting art, from ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, ancient Chinese ceramics, arts of the Americas before Columbus, baroque art, classical to avant-garde modern art and contemporary art in Germany , American Pop Art, scrap metal sculpture, until the former Soviet Union and the East European socialist art, are within the scope of collections, showing the broad collection. The valuable is that they put their collection as the common spiritual wealth of mankind Since 1957, with the began the cooperation of Cologne and Aachen museum, Professor Ludwig couple had constantly to dozens of museums around the world donated or loaned their collection of art and created more than twenty to road Ludwig named museums and institutions. Ludwig couple donated the collection and display them as collectors event a grand cultural horizons and high moral character.
我的人生第一件部落收藏品,是1996年花了5/2的薪水所收藏的 加彭/Fang 族面具。 第一次接觸到非洲部落藝術,連它的地理位置都沒概念,直覺吸引我的是純真造型下的趣味性。 這一件Fang 族面具也開啟我的部落藝術收藏旅程。 我認為﹕「 這些作品在當下是一個趣味的物件,但隨著時間,它成為了一個美好時光的記錄,也成為生命歷程中的一片拼圖。 」 更多時候,收藏具有紀念性的意義,會讓人想起某件事或某個人。 17年過去了,這件加彭/Fang族面具依然在這裡。 這次的展出,希望能為您找到第一件的部落藝術收藏品。 另外分享其他收藏家的故事: 甘茲夫婦是美國20世紀偉大的藝術品收藏家,他們的私人珍藏是20世紀最為出色的私人珍藏系列之一。 在甘茲夫婦的收藏歷史中,他們一直鍾情於畢加索的作品,差不多擁有畢加索不同時代的作品,他們形容自己的收藏過程是與畢加索的戀愛。 甘茲夫婦收藏的成功,首先源自於他們發自內心對藝術的熱愛,其次是自信而獨到的收藏眼光。 他們憑自己的眼光,選擇收藏他們認為是當代最傑出的畫家作品,而且一旦遇到喜歡的作品,他們就會不懈努力地爭取到手。 這種優秀的收藏家,品質是使他們不斷走向成功的根本原因。 路德維希夫婦早在大學時期就開始收集藝術品,從古希臘、古羅馬的雕塑、中國古代的陶瓷、哥倫布之前的美洲藝術、巴洛克藝術、古典現代派藝術到先鋒派藝術和德國當代藝術,美國波普藝術、廢金屬雕塑,直到前蘇聯、東歐社會主義藝術,都在其收藏範圍之內,可見其收藏之廣。 可貴的是他們把自己的收藏視為人類共同的精神財富。 自1957年與科隆和亞琛的博物館合作開始,路德維希教授夫婦就不斷地向世界各地的幾十家博物館捐贈或外借他們所收藏的藝術品,並創建了二十多個以路德維希命名的博物館和機構。路德維希夫婦收藏和捐贈的事件展示了他們作為收藏家的一種宏大文化視野與高尚的道德情操
『 A puzzle - My first collection 』 Do you still remember the first time to have collectibles? Famous collectors Miyatsu Daisuke Back in his college, he had prefer to like Yayoi Kusama’s works, with this move into action. When he was 30, he bought his first piece of art collection, Yayoi Kusama of "infinite point". In 1996, he bought the highest price currently invested another painting "infinite network", the purchase price at the time was higher than his annual income. Miyatsu Daisuke ever said: Art Collection is not the exclusive enjoyment of the wealthy class, if you want to have a certain amount of collectibles, that would really need to exchange the money, but money not will be able to have high-quality collections.
The most important thing is need us to understand and feel the art, with the beloved arts. In 1996 my first collection it took me 5/2 salary of Gabon's / Fang tribe mask. First time to touched the tribal art, the concept did not even its location, Its attracts me of pure Interesting shape. This African tribe mask it open my first time to collect itinerary. I think: These works at the moment are several article, with the time, it became a wonderful record, and also to be the life course of puzzle. 17 years later, this Gabon / Fang tribe mask still here. This exhibition, I hope you can find the first piece of tribal art collection. In addition, to share the other collectors story. Gan Zeev couple is the great 20th century American art collector, their private collect is the one of most private outstanding in 20th centur .In Gan Zeev couple collection history, they have been in love with the Picasso works, and almost have Picasso's works in different time, they describe their collection process just like fall in love with Picasso. Gan Zeev couple collection's success, the first of all due to their heartfelt love of art, the next is confident and unique collection vision They choose to collect they think is the most outstanding painter's work in contemporary, and once meeting a favorite work, they will be strive for unremittingly and diligently. This excellent collector quality is make them continued success of the root causes. Ludwig couple back in college began collecting art, from ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, ancient Chinese ceramics, arts of the Americas before Columbus, baroque art, classical to avant-garde modern art and contemporary art in Germany , American Pop Art, scrap metal sculpture, until the former Soviet Union and the East European socialist art, are within the scope of collections, showing the broad collection. The valuable is that they put their collection as the common spiritual wealth of mankind Since 1957, with the began the cooperation of Cologne and Aachen museum, Professor Ludwig couple had constantly to dozens of museums around the world donated or loaned their collection of art and created more than twenty to road Ludwig named museums and institutions. Ludwig couple donated the collection and display them as collectors event a grand cultural horizons and high moral character.