『 一場聚會 - 動物主題展 』
2016.7.28 - 8.27
因此部落動物形象也都有具體的象徵意義,例如:犀鳥代表著預言與智慧 / 變色龍象徵瞬息多變 / 蜘蛛是知識的象徵 / 水牛同等於巨大的力氣 / 兩棲動物代表著傑出人物 / 鱷魚是執法者的化身 / 大象表示長壽、陽剛和王室的力量 / 魚象徵著和平和土地肥沃 / 鮎魚與豹代表王權。
幾個世紀以來 ,非洲以野生動物品種及數量繁多而聞名。部落雕刻以羚羊、變色龍、犀鳥、鬣狗、雞、鱷魚、豹、穿山甲等.為主。在非洲藝術作品裡,從慶典舞蹈配戴得面具或象徵身份地位的守護雕像甚至是與生活中密不可分的椅凳,都會希望能透過動物或其他的獸形象進而獲得相同的力量與期待,在這些動物雕像中有一部分可看作是人物雕像的補充、修正或用來表現人們的某種特殊期待。
When We Get Together
7.28(Thu.) - 8.27(Sat.)
In large African Continent, many tribes believe they have an inseparable relation with animal.
Therefore, the tribal animal images also have specific symbolism, such as:
The hornbill represents prediction and intelligence/The chameleon symbol to change in a very short moment and more/ the spider is the symbol of knowledge /buffalo equivalent to the huge effort / The amphibians represents of the outstanding figures /
The crocodile is the incarnation/ The elephant indicates longevity, sun just with the strength of the royal power/ Megi and leopard to represent monarchy/ The fish symbolizes peace and rich soil.
Over a few centuries, Africa is been of a great variety with the wildlife species and the amount and be known for.
因此部落動物形象也都有具體的象徵意義,例如:犀鳥代表著預言與智慧 / 變色龍象徵瞬息多變 / 蜘蛛是知識的象徵 / 水牛同等於巨大的力氣 / 兩棲動物代表著傑出人物 / 鱷魚是執法者的化身 / 大象表示長壽、陽剛和王室的力量 / 魚象徵著和平和土地肥沃 / 鮎魚與豹代表王權。
幾個世紀以來 ,非洲以野生動物品種及數量繁多而聞名。部落雕刻以羚羊、變色龍、犀鳥、鬣狗、雞、鱷魚、豹、穿山甲等.為主。在非洲藝術作品裡,從慶典舞蹈配戴得面具或象徵身份地位的守護雕像甚至是與生活中密不可分的椅凳,都會希望能透過動物或其他的獸形象進而獲得相同的力量與期待,在這些動物雕像中有一部分可看作是人物雕像的補充、修正或用來表現人們的某種特殊期待。
When We Get Together
7.28(Thu.) - 8.27(Sat.)
In large African Continent, many tribes believe they have an inseparable relation with animal.
Therefore, the tribal animal images also have specific symbolism, such as:
The hornbill represents prediction and intelligence/The chameleon symbol to change in a very short moment and more/ the spider is the symbol of knowledge /buffalo equivalent to the huge effort / The amphibians represents of the outstanding figures /
The crocodile is the incarnation/ The elephant indicates longevity, sun just with the strength of the royal power/ Megi and leopard to represent monarchy/ The fish symbolizes peace and rich soil.
Over a few centuries, Africa is been of a great variety with the wildlife species and the amount and be known for.