『 解構與組成 』


2024 / 9 / 7 - 10 / 5

本次『  解構與組成 』椅凳與人座雕像展, 精選出6件人座的雕像與椅凳。


早期王朝埃及的幾個原型。 在古希臘,人們發現女性人物和豎琴的坐姿

在非洲部落中椅凳是極私人的物件,被視為靈魂的載體,並具有非凡的象徵,男性代表著權力,女性為生育和創造的力量 。



"Deconstruction and Composition – Chairs, Stools, and Human Figurative Sculptures"

This exhibition features a selection of six human figurative sculptures and stools. The sculptures, depicting seated postures, always convey a sense of eternity and tranquility. When combined with the stools, the chairs provide the sculptures with a unique sense of stability, transforming the static posture into a visual experience filled with power and calm. The dialogue between the two elements creates a fascinating synergy.

In Sub-Saharan African cultures, the depiction of seated figures can be traced back to as early as 2700 BCE. Early dynastic Egypt presented several iconic seated figures, and in Ancient Greece, seated female figures were also commonly portrayed alongside lyres around this time.

In African tribes, stools are deeply personal objects, regarded as vessels for the soul and imbued with significant symbolism. For men, stools represent power; for women, they symbolize fertility and the power of creation. As such, individuals view their stools as precious treasures. In certain tribes, only tribal leaders, priests, shamans, and nobility were allowed to possess their own stools, making them exclusive and highly revered.

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106 台 北 市 大 安 區 建 國 南 路 一 段 2 0 2 號     +886 2 2752 6373      44artgallery@gmail.com   
No.202, Sec. 1  Jianguo S. Rd. Da’an Dist. 106   Taipei, Taiwan          
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