
🔎️ 展覽作品專冊
當我們還在為每日穿搭選擇服飾和配件來打造突顯個人風格時,是否想過大自然其實已經賜予了我們最完美的工具:頭髮。在傳統非洲文明中,頭髮一直是身體上得到最多關注和照顧的一部份,它不僅僅象徵著家庭背景、身分地位、部落和婚姻狀況,更是代表一個人的形象。 髮型在非洲就像是社會及部落間相互溝通的文化元素,往往傳遞著強烈的訊息,自然而然如何選擇髮型或是美髮師,就變成相當重要的一件大事,因為讓某人負責你的頭髮是一種信任行為(跟小編每次去美容院都要祈求上天保佑的道理一樣>_<) 本次展覽,小巴廊精選數十件兼具經典傳統與現代摩登感爆表的藏品,用不同的角度來欣賞這場歷史的時尚show
#美學指標 #aesthetic
When we are still choosing what clothes and accessories to wear in order to accentuate our personal styles, we never thought that nature has already given us the perfect tool for self-expression: Hair. In traditional African civilizations, hair has always been the part of the body that receives the most amounts of attention and care. Not only does it symbolize the family’s background, social class, tribe, or marital status, it also represents one’s image. Hairstyles in Africa are an element of communication between tribes and societies. They often convey a strong message. Naturally, the hairstyle and hairstylist you choose becomes important as letting someone to be in charge of your hair is an act of trust. In this exhibition, the 44 Gallery hand-picked the works most symbolic of the traditional and the modern collections, and appreciates this historical fashion show in different perspectives
當我們還在為每日穿搭選擇服飾和配件來打造突顯個人風格時,是否想過大自然其實已經賜予了我們最完美的工具:頭髮。在傳統非洲文明中,頭髮一直是身體上得到最多關注和照顧的一部份,它不僅僅象徵著家庭背景、身分地位、部落和婚姻狀況,更是代表一個人的形象。 髮型在非洲就像是社會及部落間相互溝通的文化元素,往往傳遞著強烈的訊息,自然而然如何選擇髮型或是美髮師,就變成相當重要的一件大事,因為讓某人負責你的頭髮是一種信任行為(跟小編每次去美容院都要祈求上天保佑的道理一樣>_<) 本次展覽,小巴廊精選數十件兼具經典傳統與現代摩登感爆表的藏品,用不同的角度來欣賞這場歷史的時尚show
#美學指標 #aesthetic
When we are still choosing what clothes and accessories to wear in order to accentuate our personal styles, we never thought that nature has already given us the perfect tool for self-expression: Hair. In traditional African civilizations, hair has always been the part of the body that receives the most amounts of attention and care. Not only does it symbolize the family’s background, social class, tribe, or marital status, it also represents one’s image. Hairstyles in Africa are an element of communication between tribes and societies. They often convey a strong message. Naturally, the hairstyle and hairstylist you choose becomes important as letting someone to be in charge of your hair is an act of trust. In this exhibition, the 44 Gallery hand-picked the works most symbolic of the traditional and the modern collections, and appreciates this historical fashion show in different perspectives