『 母與子主題展 』
2016.3.5 - 4.2
A mother’s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world. ”── Dante Alighieri, (1265-1321).
較多中世紀作品,描繪母與子的畫面最多,而且跟基督教關係密切,聖母與聖嬰是最受歡迎的宗教題材之一。文藝復興時代的宗教繪畫表現得很人間化,常把神聖家庭描繪成平民的模樣。如: 米開朗基羅 - 聖母與聖嬰像,達文西 - 聖母、聖嬰和聖安娜,而藝術家 畢卡索、雷諾瓦、米勒....等,也曾結合自身經歷描繪出母親與孩子間深情的互動。
非洲木雕的母與子裡,緊繫母親,透露出幼年時對母親的需要,孩子對母親的依賴。原始藝術透過純粹的造型,最真實的感覺,表現出母親愛的光輝,直及人心最深處的感動 。
雕刻家對女性形象的造型非常大膽,微翹的臀部、豐滿的乳房、提起的腹部等,都瀰漫著一種原始淳樸的自然之美。 它代表的是生命,是非洲人對“生命力”崇拜的形象的反映和體現,
『 Exhibition of mother and child 』
2016.3.5(六) - 4.2(六)
A mother’s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world. ”── Dante Alighieri, (1265-1321).
The subject of mother and child was used around the world, the basic continuation of creature is by motherhood, human society is a nature of creature heritage of life in the natural world. In art history, the "Mother and Child" theme is a classic image of the art, with the development of human society, it's combining aspects of social background, ideology and culture, artists life experiences, "Mother and Child" are changing at different times of the aesthetic impact, the meanings are different.
Many medieval works, there are many picture of mother and child and it is closely with Christian, Madonna and Child is one of the most popular religious themes. Religious paintings show very human-oriented in Renaissance. Such as: Michelangelo - like the Virgin and Child, Leonardo da Vinci - The Virgin and Child and Santa Ana, and the artist Picasso, Renoir, Miller .... etc. Also depicts the affectionate interaction with their own experience between mother and child.
For African tribes, the form, mother and child is the symbol of gestation, is not only often used but also is iconic in the lexicon of African art.
In African tribal society, women play household responsibilities, procreation, and presided over the preparation of food and clothing daily housework also and fertility desire and admiration of motherhood are prevalent customs in African societies.
In African sculpture of mother and child, original art by pure shapes, it is the most real sense, showing brilliant mother love,Sculptor of the image of women is very bold styling, hips, breasts, abdomen, etc. They are filled with a primitive simplicity of natural beauty.
It represents the life, the Africans reflected and embodied the image of "vitality" worship,
Therefore, the subject of "Mother and Child" has become a very classic statue in Africa, it is a tradition, a symbol of breeding, you can feel that their rigorously express family growing and heritage, and vivid modeling is flowing between mother and different subtle movements, it's a portrayal of real life, but also with the support of spiritual strength, tribal work can simply understand its meaning from some nuance, while the overall view of considerable beauty.