28個主人 . 成果展

2016.11.19 - 11.26 

LOOK FOR - "尋找42個主人的交換"計劃,感謝所有的參與者,今年這次共交換了28個作品,很高興大家喜歡這個特別企劃,彼此都獲得"收集感"的滿足 。



經濟學家亞當•斯密(Adam Smith, 1723-1790) 曾指出,"在沒有貨幣之前,人們會利用七隻雞交換一頭羊,或者用一袋穀物交換一雙涼鞋。"

這次的交換計畫特展,對小巴廊來說交換其實是尋找彼此喜歡的東西,並以視覺的搭配為主軸,將交換到的作品與部落藝術作品搭配,呈現出另一種視覺的可能性與對話。 因為喜歡才會有心中的價值產生 . 如果沒喜歡就算是再昂貴的也僅存於擁有者本身 ...。
小巴廊 致力推廣部落藝術,透過這個"年度的交換企劃"讓更多人認識部落藝術,很開心將這些部落作品交換到喜愛它們的主人手中,融入他們生活,帶給他們一點點不一樣的啟發與感受。

28 Masters - Exhibition of exchange project achievements
2016.11.19(Sat.) - 11.26(Sat.)

"The Exchange of Looking for 42 masters " Exhibition
Thanks for every participants, there are 28 works exchange successfully, we're glad you like this Special Program. Exhibition of achievements hopes to show different visual experience. From this exchange process, the participants exchanged tribal artworks through various forms, For example: Different media works, or custom long table, and glass cabinet for exchange etc..., you can find interesting thing is that spirit of exchange is not only used to measure money value, but it can be used in different forms, feeling that intangible the value of intrinsic with recognition, respect and emotional to return the primitive barter. Adam Smith(1723-1790) argued, people would trade seven chickens for a goat, or a bag of grain for a pair of sandals. In Exhibition of EXCHANGE, for 44gallery, exchange is looking for the goods we like. With visual match as foremost ,the exhibition will match exchanged works and tribal art works to show another possible of vision. The goods has value on itself because we like this goods, If we didn't like this goods, no matter how expensive it is, the value just on its owner... 44gallery dedicates to tribal art, we are glad that there are more people who know tribal art because of this "The Exchange of Looking for 42 masters " Exhibition , and these tribal artworks could be exchanged to the people who really love it. Hope these tribal artworks can make their life a little different feeling and inspiration.

106 台 北 市 大 安 區 建 國 南 路 一 段 2 0 2 號     +886 2 2752 6373      44artgallery@gmail.com   
No.202, Sec. 1  Jianguo S. Rd. Da’an Dist. 106   Taipei, Taiwan          
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