25件交換物品公布 / 2014特別企劃 BARTER - 以物易物計畫

2014.10.9 - 10.31

2014特別企劃 BARTER - 以物易物計畫

" 以自己認為是同等價值的物品來做交換,這就是以物易物的精神 "
" 交換成功的物品最後會與交換品一同展出 "

一個嶄新具實驗性的計畫 :

1. 只接受交換,不接受買賣。



10/9 (四)將公布/展出25件可供交換的部落藝術作品,
並於小巴廊FB粉絲專頁公告 -

在歐洲殖民者到來之前, 黑人發展了區域性貿易和交通。在黑非洲的地區貿易中,「物物交換」是主要形式。黑人進行物物交換時,特別講究誠實、守信,在言語不通的部落和民族之間的「啞巴交易」也是如此。

一些漂亮的貝殼和珠子做為等價物,流行於許多部落。十九世紀晚期,丁廉在東非見到: 「市裡交易,不尚銀錢,以蛤殼代。凡購辦貨物, 均屬於此。鄉人傭工於人,每日工值僅二殼或三殼。每三殼易一雞,六殼易一日糧,二殼易包穀數十枚。」在西非豪薩城邦時期,商人的通貨主要是布匹、食鹽。奴隸也被當成通貨使用。東非城邦基爾瓦則有了銅和銀製成的錢幣,上面鑄有國王哈桑的頭像。盛產銅的衣索比亞和剛果陸續出現了銅十字型貨幣。商品流通的過程中,為了知道物品的重量,在某些地方還誕生了度量衡。如盛產黃金的阿散蒂就出現了用來稱金沙的秤鉈、砝碼和陶瓷圓盤。


< 參與辦法、日期 >
10/31(五) 19:00截止
(請註明: 1.參與者的聯絡資料。2.物品的簡述與尺寸。3.想換得的部落藝術作品。)
若超過一件需備註,如: A物品換幾號部落藝術作品,B物品換幾號部落藝術作品。


11/3(一) - 11/4(二)
11/10(一) - 11/29(六)
BARTER -「以物易物交換計劃特展」。
( ※ 展覽會有作品呈現不會有標註作者或作品資料 / 希望用單純的物物關係,呈現價值的對比。)

2014 Special Feature - BARTER PROJECT
"You considered themselves to be equal value items to exchange, it is the spirit of barter."

A new project with experimental:

1. Only accept the exchange, do not accept the sale.
2. A relationship with a simple objects and the value of contrast.

Subjective value exists in individual mind, money is just a straightforward way to measure.
By the results of exchanging reflects the different values between each individuals.

Welcome to join us!!!

10/9(Thur.) 44 gallery will display 25-piece tribal artworks, and post on Facebook.

The project description:
Before the arrival of European colonists, blacks developed a regional trade and transport. In Black Africa region , " barter " is the main trading form . Honest and trust are emphasized. The "dumb trade " between tribes and other nations is the same idea.

Regarding the beautiful shells and beads as equivalents is popular in many tribes .
The late nineteenth century , Ding Lian has found a trading form in East Africa : the goods are being traded without money but shells. Any kind of business deal belongs to this form. Workers earn two or three shells a day. Three shells equal to a chicken, six shells equal to one-day food. Two shells equal to ten corns. In West Africa, business man traded with clothes, salt even the slaves while in East Africa, the city Kilwa had copper and silver coins casted with the head of King Hasan. Ethiopia and Congo abound with copper ,as a result of it, they came out the cross-shaped copper currency. In order to know the weight of the goods, some places came out the measurement. Such as the gold-rich Ashanti kingdom appeared the ceramic discs, counterpoise and sliding weight of a steelyard for weighing gold sand.

Therefore, 44 gallery wants to use the most primitive spirit of tribe, it is a way of exchange by which goods are directly exchanged for other goods , and you considered themselves to be equal value items to exchange to experience the African tribes trading.
we will choose 25-piece tribal artworks as the exchanged items. These items will be displayed in 44 Gallery and posted on Facebook: www.facebook.com/44GALLERY

44 gallery will display 25-piece tribal artworks, and post on Facebook.
10/31(Fri.) 19:00 end.
In 23 days, people can take pictures for the equivalent items, ex. painting、 art antique、statue (any style is okay) and email the photo to 44 Gallery: 44artgallery@gmail.com (Please indicate: 1.your contact information.2.the brief introduction、size of your tem.3.which tribal artwork do you like.)

*The participant information is confidential.

Once items barter successfully, we will notify its owner immediately.
People who barter successfully have to deliver the item to 44 Gallery.
If you over the dead line, we will consider you give up.
Barter/ Tribal Artwork Exchange Special Exhibition.
( ※ The works of the exhibition would not have marked the author or the information / Want to use a simple barter relations, showing the value of contrast. )

106 台 北 市 大 安 區 建 國 南 路 一 段 2 0 2 號     +886 2 2752 6373      44artgallery@gmail.com   
No.202, Sec. 1  Jianguo S. Rd. Da’an Dist. 106   Taipei, Taiwan          
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